First Download the latest version of zend frame from Zend official website
Setting up the application
Create a directory that will hold your application, on Debian this is under the
/var/www directory by default:
dev:~# mkdir /var/www/amazium
dev:~# cd /var/www/amazium
dev:~# zf create project .
Creating project at /var/www/amazium
This creates the project and the initial
Let's see what files are important to us.First of all you have the public directory. This will not only hold the index.php file that will start your application, but also public files such as images, css files, javascript files, etc...Then you have the library directory. If you have your own library, this is where you can put it. I will briefly touch how you can add it to your application.The test directory will hold the unit tests. This can be used to test your models which should contain the business logic, but also the actual pages themselves.
Last but not least there is the application directory. This can be considered as the
most important one. I must confess that in the past, I tried to put as many things
like helpers, filters, models in my own library. But I've seen the light! It's actually
far simpler to use the directory structure as defined by Zend Framework.
Digging into the application directory
Inside the configs directory, you will find a file called application.ini. This file will
be used to define your basic application configuration. We will see later how you
can add your own resources to use this and to be auto loaded by your
application. We will get back to this file on a number of occasions. Familiarize
yourself with it, it will become one of your allies.
Inside the controller directory, you will find files for every controller. This is
Zend Framework 101, so I'm not going into detail. When you get to modules,
don't forget to prepend your module name to the class name (i.e.
Inside the models directory, you can put your models. There is a lot of discussion
to what a model is and here's my take: a model contains your business logic, but
is not tied to a storage engine. This basically means that for me a model does not
extend the Zend_Db_Table class. Under models you can put a directory DbTable
and then put your data classes in there. It adds a level of abstraction and
probably for a lot of people also an extra level of difficulty, but it's just good
practice basically.
The views directory holds the view scripts, but also view related things such as
filters and helpers. In the default directory layout the filters and layouts are not
added, but we will do that manually later.
Adding your private library
My library is called Amz (short for Amazium) and contains some library classes I
wrote in the past. Let's say I want to add this, I just add following entry in the
autoloaderNamespaces.amz = "Amz_"
autoloaderNamespaces.other = "AnotherLibrary_"
2 things to notice: since our application expects autoloaderNamespaces to be an
array, you need add a key. This means you can add multiple custom libraries by
writing multiple lines as above. The second thing to notice is to add an
underscore at the end of your library prefix. If I would have only specified
AnotherLibrary, this would actually have opened the door for classes such as
AnotherLibraryThatIDontWant_Aclass).Adding your first module
Ok, so that's it? Not really... you might have noticed we don't have a modules
directory yet. Our application is still module unaware. So let's change that and
add our first module, called "admin".
dev:~# zf create module admin
Creating the following module and artifacts:
Updating project profile '/var/www/amazium/.zfproject.xml'
As you can see, it creates a new directory called "modules" in the application
path. There it added the module directory "admin" with a similar structure for
the module as we described above.
Let's create a new controller for the module so we have something to show.
dev:~# zf create controller index index-action-included=1 admin
Creating a controller at
Creating an index action method in controller index
Creating a view script for the index action method at
Creating a controller test file at /var/www/amazium/tests/application/
Updating project profile '/var/www/amazium/.zfproject.xml'
Now, if you try it in the browser, you get an error "Message: Invalid controller
specified (admin)".
So, what did we do wrong? Nothing actually. You would expect your
application is now module ready but it isn't. You created a first module, true...
but you needed some extra configuration. So, let's open the application.ini we
discussed earlier and add following lines to the end of the production block:
resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
Reload the page in the browser and you should get something...
Now, since we want to harness the full power of modules, we'll add a
bootstrap first. The bootstrap will enable the use of class resources, but also
make all models, filters, helpers, etc... available to your whole application.
In all honesty I ran into a few problems the first time I tried because of bugs
in Zend_Tool. I saw some patches in the bugtracker, so I assume they will be
included in one of the upcoming minor releases (if they haven't been already):
verify that 1/ the correct files were generated (index/index.phtml under
admin/views/scripts), 2/ that the indexAction was added to the new
IndexController (and not the default one) and 3/ that your controller's class
name was prefixed by your module name.Create the file Bootstrap.php under your admin directory and add this code:
class Admin_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap
Also modify the Bootstrap.php in your application path by adding this function:
protected function _initAppAutoload()
$autoloader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array(
'namespace' => 'App',
'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__),
return $autoloader;
This will autoload to models, filters, helpers, etc... for our default module.
With both setup, we'll be able to access all these from our controllers later on.
Adding some layout
I bet you weren't really amazed by how it all looked? Well, that's because we
didn't have a layout specified yet. Okay, the default index had some, but the
layout should not be defined there.
Let us create a few directories first:
dev:~# cd /var/www/amazium
dev:~# mkdir public/images
dev:~# mkdir public/css
dev:~# mkdir public/js
dev:~# mkdir application/views/layouts
Now, create a file default.phtml and admin.phtml in the layouts directory and
add your layout code to it. This is a very simple template, chich just shows the
content but is good to explain how to add the layouts. Replace the h1 title by the
module name so you see a different template is loaded.
<?php echo $this->doctype() ?>
<?php echo $this->headTitle() ?>
<?php echo $this->headMeta() ?>
<?php echo $this->headLink() ?>
<?php echo $this->headStyle() ?>
<?php echo $this->headScript() ?>
<base href="/" />
<body id="page-home">
<?php echo $this->layout()->content ?>
</html>To get the layout working, you add the layout path and default layout to the
application.ini file. Notice how we added a module resource entry for the layout
as well. This will do nothing actually.... yet.
resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH "/views/layouts"
resources.layout.layout = default
admin.resources.layout.layout = admin
When you switch between your default en admin module, you'll see that it uses
the same layout. One might think that prepending the second line with "default."
will enable layouts specific to the module, but unfortunately it doesn't. It will use
the last specified template, in our case the admin, as default. To mitigate this, we
will use a controller plugin since we need access to the request object to decide
which template to show.
I created Amz/Controller/Action/Helper/LayoutLoader.php and added
following content:
class Amz_Controller_Action_Helper_LayoutLoader
extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function preDispatch()
$bootstrap = $this->getActionController()
$config = $bootstrap->getOptions();
$module = $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();
if (isset($config[$module]['resources']['layout']['layout'])) {
$layoutScript =
Then I added a loader for it in the bootstrap:
protected function _initLayoutHelper()
$layout = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(
new Amz_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout());
If you reload your admin / default page, you should now see the module specific
Spicing up the application with a model
For me a model is about business logic. It shouldn't about where you get data,
but about what you do with it. Unfortunately there currently isn't a
"Zend_Model" class you can abstract and use. So everyone basically invents his
own system, or just plainly extend the DbTable. I've seen a very interesting
implementation by Matthew Weier O'Phinney on the Dutch PHP Conference. The
models had a data mapper which could be referenced for the data, while the model itself did what it was there for. Unfortunately it is out of the scope of this
article to go very deep on it, so I'll make a very simple model that doesn't do a lot
at all: A color model. Basically it generates a hex color that can be used in html.
Create the file Color.php in your application/models directory:
class App_Model_Color
public function getRandomHtmlColor()
$red = rand(0,255);
$green = rand(0,255);
$blue = rand(0,255);
return $this->getHtmlColor($red, $green, $blue);
public function getHtmlColor($red, $green, $blue)
$color = '#' . $this->_getHex($red)
. $this->_getHex($green)
. $this->_getHex($blue);
return $color;
protected function _getHex($number, $digits = 2)
return substr(str_repeat('0', $digits) .
dechex($number), - $digits);
As you can see it allows you to get a random color or to convert 3 integers to an
html color. As I said.... nothing spectacular.
Modify the indexAction of your IndexController :
public function indexAction
$model = new App_Model_Color();
$this->view->color = $model->getRandomHtmlColor();
Lastly modify your view script (views/scripts/index/index.phtml) :
My random number is : <?php echo $this->color; ?>
When you refresh your default page, it should now show another html color each
time you refresh. Now, that was easy wasn't it? But how come it recognized the
model without any trouble? Well, the _initAutoload function that we specified for
the bootstrap takes care of it. Since we specified App as the "prefix", our default
modules will be available as App_Model_*. If you had created a DbTable
directory, they would be available as App_Model_DbTable_*.
In the same way you can put models in the modules. You don't have to specify an
autoloader there. The module bootstraps take care of everything for you. Instead
of the App, the module name will be the prefix. In our example models would be
available as Admin_Model_* and Admin_Model_DbTable_*.Custom View Helpers
I tried the same with view helpers and you can get them autoloaded the same
way. But there is a catch... apprantly the view looks for Zend_View_Helper_*
instead of the expected App_View_Helper_*. Since I wanted to use the App
variant, I solved this by adding following line in the config.ini :
resources.view.helperPath.App_View_Helper = APPLICATION_PATH "/views/helpers"
Now, let's create a view helper that displays a text in a certain color.
Create a file views/helpers/ColoredText.php and add following code:
class App_View_Helper_ColoredText extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function coloredText($text, $color)
$text = $this->view->escape($text);
$ctext = '<span style="color: ' . $color . '">' .
$text . '</span>';
return $ctext;
Change the view script by following code:
My random number is :
<?php echo $this->coloredText($this->color, $this->color); ?>
When you refresh the page now, you should see the color name displayed in the
actual color it represents.
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